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The world's largest mammal migration at Kasanka National Park, Zambia

The world's largest mammal migration at Kasanka National Park, Zambia

Every year, 10 million straw-coloured fruit bats migrate to Kasanka National Park from all over equatorial Africa. The local communities benefit from the revenue generated by ecotourism and direct employment. Currently, illegal clear cutting for industrial agriculture threatens both the livelihoods of the people and the bats. DONATE: Please join Merlin Tuttle's Bat Conservation to help save Kasanka National Park. Visit to learn more about bats, why we need them, and how you can help. Dr. Merlin Tuttle has been studying and photographing bats worldwide for more than 60 years, and still going! He's the founder and current executive director of Merlin Tuttle’s Bat Conservation (MTBC) where he is now currently active. He previously founded and led Bat Conservation International (BCI) for 30 years, then left BCI in 2009. Merlin’s unique photography and communication first led to global appreciation of bats as safe, invaluable, even cute, and likable. No one has better demonstrated the power of combining captivating photos with sound science to win friends instead of battles for bats. Nor has anyone better demonstrated how conservation can benefit humans. Merlin’s legendary photos and experience provide invaluable guidance and inspiration that must be preserved and shared for future generations. Join at! Produced by Merlin Tuttle's Bat Conservation Filmed, Directed, Edited by Joey Chapman Produced by Teresa Nichta Copyright 2023 © All Rights Reserved
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